A Short Bio, Written in 3rd Person

The view from Rasmussen's teacher desk
There are a few notable Eric Rasmussens out there - a professional baseball player, a Shakespeare scholar, a Bay Area reporter (not clear on which bay), a hockey player, and many more. This particular Eric Rasmussen has taught high school English for ten years in Western Wisconsin. He's not one of those boring, traditional English teachers. Sure, he can analyze the hell out of the symbols in Catcher in the Rye, but he's more interested in film, advertising, and the ways in which we communicate and tell stories in the modern world. Because he gets to discuss mumbo-jumbo like that with rooms full of juniors and seniors, he likes his job.

At the start of his teaching career, he decided he would write a novel someday, because he had not yet learned that cliches are bad. Every six months he would put a few words on a page, and was on pace to finish his first manuscript by the time he was 137 years old, until something clicked and he got serious. In two years, he finished four novels. Through the first three (Oppurntyville, Gravity Lessens, and There's Always Something on Squaw Lake), he made many connections with other writers in real life and over the internet, and several literary agents. In early 2016, he began querying #4, Nicer Than Mr. Garrity, and hope abounds that this effort will earn him representation and publishing success. In 2015, he also started playing the short story game, and has stories forthcoming in Souvenir Lit Journal and Mulberry Fork Review.

The aforementioned Eric, with ducks
Some might say the pace of his writing is starting to come across as a little desperate. Eric prefers "manically motivated." He will start a low-residency MFA program in summer 2016, if there was any doubt left of his seriousness about all this.

He has written extensively for Volume One magazine, a local alt-weekly, for over a decade. He has published work in local newspapers, Wisconsin People and Ideas, his college creative writing journal, and other places, just enough to make him think that writing professionally might not be that far fetched. He has two kids, a fantastic wife, a cat he doesn't care for, and this blog. As far as Eric Rasmussens go, he's not too


  1. Hello from a fellow Wisconsinite and teacher-by-trade! What MFA programs have you researched? That's something I've been interested in doing as well. I looked into the Vermont of Fine Arts (which is amazing), but it's a bit of a hike for someone in the mid-west.

    Good luck at Pitch Wars and hope the beginning of your school year starts off smooth!

    1. We should start a Wisconsin writers' club. Seriously. I keep meeting more of us!

      I've looked into a few MFA programs (including Vermont), but the one I will be applying to is Augsburg in the Twin Cities. Some of the decision was out of necessity - lots of programs require January residencies, and the, ahem, public school situation in Wisconsin right now means my school would have a hard time giving me that time off. Not to mention all the plane tickets. Augsburg conducts all its residencies over the summer, it's driving distance, AND the program seems great - the faculty I've talked to have been wonderful, and their work that I've read is quality. For me, they've been a rare intersection of quality and convenience.

      Hope that helps! Take care!

  2. Hi Eric, I'm finally making the rounds to meet a couple of writers on the blog hop and figured I'd start with you since we're practically neighbors. ;) (Greenville, WI) I grew up in a house next to a family of Rasmussens in Appleton, but not an Eric Rasumssen. Best of luck with #Pitchwars, writing, your MFA, and your school year! I need to gather all Wisconsin writers I meet and create a Wisconsin Writer twitter list! Christy

    1. I am related to any Appleton Rasmussen's, unfortunately - Marshfield is where my clan is from. And let me know as soon as you get that Twitter list started! I would LOVE to help!
